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Hotarari 2021

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Hotarari 2020

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An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_107Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_107-2Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_107-1Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Anexa HCL_107Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_99Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_98Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_97Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_96Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_95Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_94Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_103Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_89_2_rotated_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_89_1_rotated_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_31.08.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_30.07.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_30.04.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_27.05.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_20.03.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file HCL _25.06.2020_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.89_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.81_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.70_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.58_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.43_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.25_editedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.67Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hcl 21 - Anexa la Hotararea Consiliului Uniunii nr.21 din 25.03.2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea12 privind aprobarea bugetului local pe 2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.226 privind stabilirea taxelor si impozitelor locale pentru anul 2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea nr.13 privind instituirea unor facilitati fiscale contribuabililor bugetuluiDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL 14 din 21.02.2020Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea 9Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea 8Download Preceding File Preview the file
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An Adobe Acrobat file Hotararea 1Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HOTARAREA 7Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL 03_edited_rotatedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL 02_edited_rotatedDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file HARTIDownload Preceding File Preview the file

Hotarari 2019

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Hotarari 2009


Descarca HCL Tuzla din 21.12.2016 (.zip)

Descarca HCL Tuzla din 21.11.2016 (.zip) - sedinta extraordinara

Descarca HCL Tuzla din 14.11.2016 (.zip)

Descarca HCL Tuzla din 24.10.2016 (.zip)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 26.09.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 24.08.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 25.07.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 20.07.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 04.07.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla de constituire din 05.06.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 29.03.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 01.03.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 15.02.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 03.02.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din 19.01.2016 (.rar)

- Descarca HCL Tuzla din anul 2015 (.rar)